Useful information
Telephone numbers - Code Country: 34

Tourist information
TURESPAÑA 900 300 600
Junta de Andalucía Tourism Offices:
- Avda. de la Constitución, 21
Tel: 954 22 14 04
- San Pablo International Airport
Autopista de San Pablo, s/n
Tel: 954 25 50 46
- Santa Justa Train Station
Avda. Kansas City, s/n
Tel: 954 53 76 26
Seville City Council Tourism Office:
- Costurero de la Reina
Paseo de las Delicias, 9
Tel: 954 23 44 65
- Avda. de la Constitución, 21 B
Tel: 954 22 14 04
- Naves del Barranco
C/ Arjona, 28
Tel: 954 50 56 00
Public Transport
Seville Airport (San Pablo)
Airport code SVQ
Ctra. Nacional IV (Madrid-Cadiz) Km 532
41020, Sevilla
Tel: (+34) 954 449 000 / 954 672 981
Bus Station
Plaza de Armas Bus Station:
Avenida del Cristo de la Expiración.
Phone: 95 490 80 40
Prado bus station:
Calle Manuel Vázquez Sagastizábal.
Phone: 95 441 71 11
Santa Justa Train Station Address : Avda. Kansas City s/n Telephone : 902.240.202
Private Transport
Rent a car
Malaga Airport Taxis
Healt and security
Emergency service (Fireman, police, civil protection, sanitary emergency) 112
Traffic – Highway Travel Information 900123505
Civil Guard – (Traffic) 954245400
National meteorlogical information 807170365
Municipal information 902261010
Junta de Andalucía (Andalusia Regional Government) Information 902505505
Taxi – Radio Taxi Giralda 954675555
Taxi – Radio Taxi 954580000
Taxi – Tele taxi 954622222
Seville public transport 900710171
Public Hospital
Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena. Avda. Dr. Fedriani s/n. Tel: 955008000
Hospital Virgen del Rocío. Avda. Manuel Siurot s/n. (no number) Tel: 955012000
Hospital Virgen de Valme. Avda. Ctra. Sevilla-Cádiz. Tel: 955015000
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Disclaimer: We've tried to make the information on this web site as accurate as possible, but it is provided 'as is' and we accept no responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience sustained by anyone resulting from this information.
sevillatourist.com is a website owned by the Spanish company Spanish & Internship Consultant S.L. Calle Miguel Bueno Lara, 8, 6-3. info@sevillatourist.com, which is listed in the official Business Registry of Malaga (Registro Mercantil) with the following Cif and registration numbers (Cif B92896588, Tomo 4437, Libro 3346, Folio 40).